Identity card

  • Service description

    In principle, the authority responsible for issuing an ID card is the authority in whose district the ID card applicant's main place of residence is registered.

    If you have any further questions about this service, please contact the staff at the Citizens' Office.

  • Legal basis

    Identity Card Act

  • Required documents

    • current, biometric photo
    • Existing identity document
    • Declaration of consent from both parents, up to the age of 16 (see forms)
    • Declaration of custody, if applicable, until the child reaches the age of 16
    • Naturalization certificate, if applicable

    additionally in the case of a stolen/lost identity card:

    • Completion of the criminal complaint
    • Proof of identity

    Allow two weeks to pass before you apply for a new ID card; you may find it again.

    Further documents may be requested in individual cases.

  • Costs

    • Identity card for persons under 24 years of age: €22.80 and valid for six years
    • Identity card for persons over 24 years: €37 and valid for ten years
    • Temporary identity card: €10.00 valid for a maximum of 3 months
  • Further information

    Further information on entry requirements can be found on the website of the Federal Foreign Office

  • Applications / Forms

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